Ode to Babylon 5
" Zygote Impersonator says (1:21 PM):
All my guyz are on Babylon 5.
They's getting invaded by something ancient that percolated.
Kruhnk says (1:21 PM):
" Zygote Impersonator says (1:21 PM):
there's a chick in a nightie. Al-damn-righty.
" Zygote Impersonator says (1:22 PM):
It's Ivanova, one hellova.. babe-ova?
She sees Vir, who's really near.
Kruhnk says (1:23 PM):
No rhyming
" Zygote Impersonator says (1:23 PM):
But this is funnn.
" Zygote Impersonator says (1:24 PM):
They see a vision of space, waking up from nightmares like a nutcase.
" Zygote Impersonator says (1:25 PM):
Everyone stares at a random Chinese extra; good thing there's no Bextra today!
They surround him, and he's like, "What trouble I'm in!"
They demand speed; he fails to heed.
" Zygote Impersonator says (1:26 PM):
Sheridan pops up, his science bitch does muck.
Dr Trent brings up the past; it's a scene that shant last.
Kruhnk says (1:26 PM):
They keep finding people in a room,
It spells certain doom;
First Lyta wandered in,
Then an extra joined the din.
The artifact is so old
And these guys are over-bold;
Dr. Trent is a bitch
All her lines keep on a hitch,
She's a stereotypical greedy scientist
Good thing she's not a psoriasist --
Dandruff would wreck her dark front,
That design Stracszinksy would have to bunt.
Plot development on Thirdspace is lagging,
My interest quickly sagging;
I'm in 5th season
I just want to go back, gimme a reason;
I watched this movie out of place,
My schedule wrong beyond a trace;
It's the end of Centauri Prime where I am,
But, in this old ep it's okay again --
But that's because this is a 4th season movie,
And I don't really find this too groovy.
Zack confessed to Lyta his affection,
In an elevator, she had no detection;
She was under the artifact's spell,
So she was denied the chance to comment on Zack's dwell.
Space, spaceship, spacestation --
They all prep for annihilation.
Ivanova strikes a plan,
Sheridan's up because he's the man;
Fighting breaks out --
Mind control, that's what it's about.
Zack leads the security team,
A Drazi gets in his face to ream
His shoulders abruptly,
Back to Sheridan and Ivanova subtly.
Ah, but where is Vir?
He no longer seems so near.
He foresaw Ivanova die,
In a scene already gone by.
Dr Trent again,
Sitting pretty like a hen;
She won't join the fight --
She figures that's alright.
Back to space --
Fighting still to lace.
Sheridan and Delenn visit Lyta.. why?
They find her standing all creepy.. cry?
Space again,
The artifact over taking Lyta in her den.
Eyes white, mouth projecting Artifact Words,
Sheridan and Delenn have heard.
The artifact explains a plan --
One they simply must ban.
This alien is a little Superiority Complex-y,
Maybe a little like Morgan, Dexy.
Insert talk of Gods,
Follow up falling of their rods.
Destruction of the old race,
I guess they weren't superior in space;
Artifact glows blue-green..
Could this foe become mean?
The gates relate to telepaths?
Look out for when we stoke their wraths
(In season 5?)
On Babylon 5.